Squeaking labyrinths
Recently I went to a park that had a brick labyrinth in it. The labyrinth comprised about 100 concentric rings of bricks. Here’s a picture of it taken from above:
Some kids there told me that if you clap your hands in the center of the labyrinth you’ll hear a squeak. I didn’t believe them, but I didn’t disbelieve enough not to try it. Sure enough, when I clapped I heard a short, faint squeak sound.
What could cause this squeak? The simplest mechanism I can think of is this. When you clap, a pressure wave emanates out from your hands in all directions at the speed of sound. Where the wave strikes an obstacle, some amount of the energy will be absorbed, and some will be reflected back as an echo. In particular, every time the sound passes over a brick, a tiny amount will be reflected off the edge of the brick back toward the center of the labyrinth.
Each time the sound wave hits the edge of a brick, then, an echo is sent back to you. Because only a tiny portion of the wave hits the edge of a given brick, the resulting echo would be very faint. However, because you’re in the center of the labyrinth, the echoes from each brick belonging to the same ring will arrive back to you at approximately the same time, amplifying the effect.
So the picture is this: when you clap, a pressure wave zips out from the center of the labyrinth toward the bricks. When it reaches the first ring of bricks, a faint echo is sent back. A split second later, the wave hits the next ring, and sends back another echo, and so on. The result is a series of faint echoes heard in rapid succession.
What would all these echoes sound like? One might think that it would sound like exactly what it is: a rapid sequence of faint clapping noises. Indeed, this is what it would sound like if the echoes were spaced far enough apart. However, if they arrive with a frequency above the lower limit of human hearing (about 20Hz), the individual claps will blend together into a single tone. This phenomenon is called Repetition Pitch.
To calculate the frequency of return of the echoes, let’s simplify the problem a bit by pretending that the clap occurs in the plane of the labyrinth–in other words, at ground level. Let’s also assume that the clap occurs in the exact center of the labyrinth. Finally, let’s assume that the bricks all have the same width \(b\). The sound wave in this picture is an ever-widening circle originating in the shared center of the labyrinth’s concentric rings:
Now, let’s label the rings of bricks \(k = 0, 1, 2, ...\), from the inside out. Call the distance from the center to the first ring \(d_0\). The distance to the second ring is \(d_0 + b\). In general, the distance to the \(k^{th}\) row of bricks is given by:
\[D_\parallel(k) = d_0 + bk\]I’ve called this distance \(D_\parallel\) to emphasize that this is the distance in the case where the wave is travelling parallel to the ground.
The time \(T_\parallel(k)\) it takes for the \(k^{th}\) echo to return is the time it takes for the sound wave to travel to the \(k^{th}\) row of bricks and back. In other words, it is twice the distance to the bricks divided by \(c \approx 343 m/s\), the speed of sound:
\[T_\parallel(k) = \frac{2 D_\parallel(k)}{c}\]The time in between echoes \(k\) and \(k + 1\) is given by \(T_\parallel(k+1) - T_\parallel(k) = \frac{2b}{c}\). This is the time it takes for the sound wave to travel across a single brick and back. The inverse of this quantity is the number of echoes per second, or the frequency \(f_\parallel\):
\[f_\parallel = \frac{c}{2b}\]Now, let’s estimate that the bricks are about \(9 cm\) in size. Then \(f_\parallel \approx 1900 Hz\), which is well within the range of human hearing. In fact, this is close to 3 octaves above middle C. Here’s what the note sounds like as a sine wave:
Now, the squeak you actually hear isn’t like this. Rather than a single tone, it sounds more like a fast glissando from a higher pitch to a lower one. The simple 2D model above can’t account for this, because it predicts that the echoes all come back at the same frequency.
We can recover the varying frequency by simply removing the assumption that the clap occurs at ground level. Let the clap now occur at some height \(h\) above the ground (but still in the exact center of the labyrinth). For simplicity, let’s assume that the listener’s ear is at the exact same point. Here’s an animation of the clap now:
Note that the echoes no longer return at a constant rate: the initial echoes are bunched up more than subsequent ones.
The distance (no longer in the ground plane) to the \(k^{th}\) ring of bricks is related to the ground-level distance \(D_\parallel\) by the Pythagorean Theorem:
\[D(k) = \sqrt{D_\parallel(k)^2 + h^2}\]As before, the time \(T(k)\) at which the \(k^{th}\) echo returns is twice the distance to the bricks divided by the speed of sound:
\[T(k) = \frac{2 D(k)}{c}\]Now, we could calculate the discrete difference \(T(k+1) - T(k)\) as we did above, but the math works out nicer if we treat \(k\) as a continuous variable and consider the derivative \(T'(k)\) instead. This will only give us an approximate estimate of the true value, but the differences here are small enough that the approximation is very good.
We can evaluate \(T'(k)\) using the Chain Rule:
\[T'(k) = \frac{2b}{c} \frac{D_\parallel(k)}{D(k)}\]The inverse of this quantity gives us the (instantaneous) frequency of the echo signal after the \(k^{th}\) echo:
\[F(k) = \frac{c}{2b} \frac{D(k)}{D_\parallel(k)} = f_\parallel \frac{D(k)}{D_\parallel(k)}\]From this we see that raising the clap above the labyrinth modulates the ground-level frequency by the ratio of the true distance to the ground-level distance. Now, if \(h\) is small compared to \(D_\parallel\)–in other words, if the distance to the ring producing an echo is much greater than the clapper’s height–then \(D(k) \approx D_\parallel(k)\), so \(F(k) \approx f_\parallel\). If \(D(k)\) is about equal to \(h\), however, \(D(k) > D_\parallel(k)\), and the frequency will be higher than the ground-level frequency.
We should therefore expect the initial echoes to be coming in at a relatively high frequency, and later echoes to even out to the ground-level frequency \(f_\parallel\). The graph below shows \(F(k)\) for \(d_0 = 1\), \(h = 1.75\), and \(b = 0.09\).
Now, if we want to listen to the squeak predicted by this model, we have to express the frequency in terms of time, rather than our parameter \(k\). Fortunately, the only terms in the equation for \(F(k)\) that depend on \(k\)–and therefore on time–are \(D(k)\) and \(D_\parallel(k)\), and \(D(k)\) itself is expressed in terms of \(D_\parallel(k)\). All we need, then, is an expression for \(D_\parallel(t)\)–the ground-level distance of the sound wave at a given time. We could derive this by first finding an expression for \(k\) in terms of \(t\), but we don’t have to do that. Recall that \(D_\parallel\) is the distance from the center of the labyrinth to the site of an echo. Since the echo is produced at the exact time the sound wave arrives at the distance \(D_\parallel\), we have the following:
\[D_\parallel(t) = ct\]In English, the ground-level distance at time \(t\) is the speed of sound times \(t\).
Using this, we can compute \(F(t)\):
\[F(t) = f_\parallel \frac{D(t)}{D_\parallel(t)} = \frac{1}{2b} \frac{D(t)}{t}\]The second equality offers another interpretation of this formula: the frequency is the speed at which the sound wave is travelling (\(\frac{D(t)}{t}\)) divided by the distance the wave travels between echoes (\(2b\)).
Here’s a graph of \(F(t)\) using the same parameters as above:
The dotted line is at \(t_0 = 2d_0/c \approx 0.006s\), which when the first echo returns. The graph ends at \(t \approx 0.06s\), which is the time it would take for the echo to return from the 100th ring of bricks. The whole squeak lasts about \(0.05s\). It starts at a frequency of about \(2500Hz\), and ends up at around \(1910Hz\), close to the asymptotic frequency. In musical terms, the squeak starts at about the Eb 3 octaves above middle C (the last Eb on a piano keyboard) and drops about a perfect 4th to the Bb below.
We can get a sense for what this sounds like by modulating a sine wave to match the frequency profile above. Here’s what that sounds like:
This roughly matches my memory of the squeak: a short, high-pitched sound descending slightly in pitch. The timbre is off, but that’s not surprising–a clap is much more complex than a sine wave!
Some day I’ll go back and try to record the squeak so I can check if its frequency profile matches this prediction.
Problem with the model
There’s at least one problem with this model: the amplitude of the first echo will be much higher than that of the last echo. To see why, think about what happens when the clap occurs. The energy creates a pressure wave that rushes out in all directions. We can picture the wave as an expanding sphere. Now, the initial energy of the clap is spread out over the surface of this sphere, and the area of the surface increases as the square of its radius. The amplitude of the sound should therefore decrease as the square of the distance from the sound source. Any single brick at distance \(d\) from the center of the labyrinth is therefore only reflecting a signal with strength proportional to \(1/d^2\) of the original sound. Now, it’s not quite as bad as that, because the number of bricks reflecting the sound increases linearly with the distance. Given that, we should expect the strength of the signal reflected off the \(k^{th}\) ring of bricks, considered as a whole, to decrease linearly with \(k\). Suppose the radius of the labyrinth is 10m, and the inner radius \(d_0\) is 1m. Then the strength of the signal reflected by the last ring of bricks is 10x weaker than that reflected by the first. In the visualizations above, the amplitudes of the sound waves are represented by their transparencies.
10x isn’t so bad–after all claps are quite loud–but it gets even worse. We can model the echo as a separate sound source that has an amplitude diminished from the original according to the inverse-square law. Now, that new sound source has to travel back to the center of the labyrinth, and it is subject to that very same inverse square law! We should therefore expect the last echo to sound 100x quieter than the first.
Update (2023-03-05)
It turns out that a team at Purdue University published a paper on what they call “Clapping circles” (brick labyrinths). They develop a model very similar to the one described above, and find it has pretty good agreement with detailed measurements they took at the site. However, when they analyzed the spectrum of the squeak, they found that it had an unexpected harmonic structure. In particular, they found that the second harmonic was the strongest. The basic Repetition Pitch mechanism I floated above can’t really account for this. A better theory, described in the paper, is that the bricks are acting as a Diffraction Grating. That is, different frequencies of the sound wave are reflected back toward the center at different preferred angles, due to interference of the sound as it travels across the bricks. They hypothesize that the reason it’s the second harmonic that reflects back most strongly is that lower harmonics have a wavelength that is too large relative to the spacing between bricks for diffraction to occur–no diffraction, no squeak.